
Originally a barn, it has not been used for many years before the renovation.
The barn has already become a house. The residents nearby do not want a completely different building in their neighborhood, so architect try to keep the facade of the original building as much as possible. At the same time, architects insert a new volume into the original space to meet necessity of daily life, By this way original architectural outline is not been disturbed in context.
▽ 原有建筑立面的完整保留,the original building facade is kept
▽ 全新建筑体量的植入,the insertion of a new structure
Structure system and wooden fence of original facade are completely separated. During the day, sunlight penetrates through the wooden fence of the façade and the new structure into interior space; when night comes, light can also penetrate from the cracks in the wooden fence. Architects create an ambiguous status in between old and new, transparent and opaque.
▽ 以新网格结构为基础构建的室内空间,interior division base on the new structure system
▽ 白天阳光照进室内,洒下光影,daylight enter the interior space through the louvers
▽ 夜晚,灯光通过百叶照亮了四周,the building is lit up like a lantern
▽ 一层平面,ground floor
▽ 二层/三层, first floor/ second floor
▽ 剖面, section
▽ 立面,elevation